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Character Generation

Characters are generated using the Basic Role Playing (BRP) system. The available skills are as noted below. Stats are rolled using the standard convention:

STR 3d6 Effort STR x 5 Damage Bonus STR + SIZE, see table
CON 3d6 Stamina CON x 5 Hit Points CON + SIZ
SIZ 2d6+6
INT 2d6+6 Idea INT x 5 Profession Skills EDU x 20
POW 3d6 Luck POW x5 Personal Skills INT x 10
DEX 3d6 Agility INT x 5
APP 2d6 Charisma APP x 5
EDU 3d6+3 Know EDU x 5

Profession Skills
Starship Crew Pilot Starship, Astrogation, Electronics
Tech Computer, robotics, electronics
Medical First Aid, Medicine
Mission Specialist
*Other *GM's discretion