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US Marine Info and Equipment

The Saratoga was outfitted to carry a Marine Strikeforce. The typical Strikeforce was a battalion strength light mobile unit complete with its own organic armor, light air assets and support weaponry. The Carrier would be expected to provide heavy support fire by utilizing it own missiles, deadfall munitions and mass driver cannon.

The basic Marine's equipment includes a full body combat suit, providing both environmental regulation as well as NBC protection. Over this, the Marine wears a composite helmet, torso armor, groin protector, arm guard and shin guards, all of ballistic resistant material.


M-30 SABR The basic weapon for individual Marines. The M30 consists of a 20mm smart grenade laucher, paired with a 6.5x40mm caseless assault rifle. The rifle and grenage launcher are both effective out to a range of 500m
M-88 DMR This is the standard designated Marksman's Rifle. It is a precision weapon firing a 6.5x50 match grade round with an effective range of 1200 meters. The weapon is semi-automatic and each magazine holds 20 rounds. A computing gunsight gives a high propbability of a first round hit and features light amplification, thermal imaging and ballistic compensation.
M-250 LMG
M-308 OCSW