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Ship's Stores

See also transportation

A large and varied amount of equpment is carried in the ships stores - suitable for a vessel embarking on a long range voyage of discovery.

ACR - the standard issue weapon for Concordiat troop, it fires a 6.5x45mm round and has a effective range of 600m

DMR - a precision, semi-automatic only version of the standard rifle, it fires the standard 6.5x45mm round and is fitted with a longer match barrel, precision trigger and scope. Effective range is 1000m

PDR - carried by non-compbat troops is lieu of the pistol, it fires the 6.5x45mm round and is effective to 300m. Shown at right is the unique 'holster' for this weapon.

Hard Suit

Used for extended work in vacuum, the hard suit has better protection from radiation and more freedom of movement than the 20th century soft suits.

Typical rough use computer. These portable computer lack any real power, relying on uplinks to the ships main computer for any complex operations. The have limited use in the isolated mode