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The World of Beyond: Regions

While the Concordiat is a planetary government, different reghions of the planet faired better or worse after the collapse and some areas hold more or less sway in the new political structure.


This is the center of power for the new Concordiat. Most of the universities and other centers of learning, as well as government bureaucracies are centered in western Europe, with the Parlimentary capital in New Berlin and the Judicial capital in Madrid. Almost all aerospace indutries are in Europe.


Much if Eastern Asia is still primitive due to the large number of nuclear weapons detonated there. The remaining areas are technically under the control of the Concordiat, but are adminustered by warlords who rule more or less according to the Concoriat's laws depending on the specific warlord.

Pacific Rim:

Much of the manufacturing is centered in the pacific rim, dominated by the New Zealand Pan Pacific Trading Union. New Zealand has a seat on the Permanent Security Council of the Concordiat.


Africa is again the 'dark continent' with few signs of civilization outside of the coast. The Headquarters for the Concordiat military is located in Praetoria and the Concordiate military is disproportionatly made up of African troops, although Europeans make up the majority of the officer corps.

A new and modern spaceport is under construction at ...

Middle East:

The middle east remains a barren wasteland, with some sites likely to remain radioactive for the next thousand years.

North America:

Still very much a frontier, the neo-luddite movement is still powerful in remains of North America, and much of the concordiate military is engaged in peace keeping operations here - primarily construction, education and security, rather than counter-insurgency operations. The interior is still wild and primitive, but the east and west coasts now have functional cities, power and industry.

South America:

This area is now primarly an agricultural area and produces much of the meat and vegetables sold thougout the Concordiat. Politically, it is dominated by large landowning families. These families enjoy much inependence in return for fealty to the Concordiat.

The main Concordiate space port is located in Quitos.