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Medical Technology

If there is one area of technology where progress has been made, it is in the field of medicine. Current medical technology has made vast stride, and in some areas even exceeds the state of the art pre-collapse. Also, the plagues that swept the planet after the collapse have weeded out the 'weaker' genes. The post-collapse human is a much hardier specimen than his forebears.

The two most notable areas of inovation are in diagnostics and robotically assisted surgery. New imaging techniques have allowed for non-invasive examination of tissue on the microscopic level. The detail of screening, coupled with computer analysis has led to very accurate predictive diagnosis and highly discrete targeting of effective areas.

Robotic assisted surgery has enabled microsurgical techniques to be utilized by almost any physician, mean ing less trauma to the patient. In addition, a variety of autonomous medical devices such as microrobots can be operated under command of the physician to address once untreatable conditions. The surgeon, working with robotic units, can even perform remote surgery on a patient hundreds or even thousands of kilometers distant.

In addition to these, traditional techniques and drugs have been continuously refined. Magnetic and drug stimulated healing has reduced the time for injuries to heal. New highly specific, manufactured-on-demand antibiotics are available to treat infection. The wide use of artificial blood has made blood banking unneccesary and large quantities of transfusable 'blood' are always avilable for trauma patients

In the event of serious injury, it may even be possible to delay treatment until more sophisticated medical facilities are available. Using the same techniques of hyper-sleep utilized for the cold crew, patients can be put into hypothermic-coma for transport and treatment.